Merek Sans Hotel
Sans Hotel berada di bawah naungan Multibrands dari platform teknologi RedDoorz. Di Indonesia dibawah naungan PT Commeasure Solutions Indonesia.
Sans Hotel is under the auspices of Multibrands from the RedDoorz technology platform. In Indonesia under the auspices of PT Commeasure Solutions Indonesia.
Konsep Awal Merek Dagang Sans Hotel
Sans sendiri berasal dari serapan kata Santai kemudian dikemas dengan bahasa gaul. Dari artinya sendiri, konsep ini menawarkan layanan yang mengedepankan semangat anak muda serta nuansa santai.
Initial Concept of the Sans Hotel Trademark
Sans itself comes from the absorption of the word Santai then packaged in slang. From its meaning, this concept offers services that prioritize the spirit of youth and a relaxed atmosphere.
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Adil Ali Mubarak, selaku Vice President of Multibrands RedDoorz Indonesia. Pada 2020 mengamati perilaku konsumen segmentasi Gen Z, yang menyukai sosialita, lebih memperhatikan kepraktisan dari keputusan yang mereka ambil. Sederhana namun memiliki keindahan, berawal dari sanalah terlahir SANS Hotels yang ada saat ini. Kemudian dengan konsep ini selaras mulai mengkonversi, alhasil disukai dan mitra makin berkembang. Terobosan Sans hotels menjawab kebutuhan generasi muda.
Adil Ali Mubarak, as Vice President of Multibrands RedDoorz Indonesia. In 2020, observing the behavior of consumers in the Gen Z segment, who like socialites, pay more attention to the practicality of the decisions they make. Simple but beautiful, that's where the SANS Hotels that exist today were born. Then with this concept in harmony, it began to convert, as a result it was liked and partners grew. Sans hotels' breakthrough answers the needs of the younger generation.
Legalitas Pendaftaran Merek Dagang (Trademarks Registration)
Merek Sans Hotel sudah terdaftar di PDKI-DJKI (Pangkalan Data Kekayaan Intelektual Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual) dengan Nomor Registrasi IDM000969599 di klasifikasi jasa kelas 43 dan di IPOS (Intellectual Property Office of Singapore) No. 40202024017X class 43.
Legality of Trademark Registration
The Sans Hotel brand has been registered in PDKI-DJKI (Intellectual Property Database of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property) with Registration Number IDM000969599 in the service classification class 43 and in IPOS (Intellectual Property Office of Singapore) No. 40202024017X class 43.